Volunteer opportunities
Are you interested in rolling up your sleeves and volunteering to help connect, protect, and restore the Greater Hells Canyon Region? We offer numerous ways to get involved. From clearing brush and building tread on the Blue Mountains Trail, to groundtruthing a logging project site or sharing the good, bad and ugly things you've experienced when visiting our public lands, there are lots of ways for you to give back to this special place — just let us know what you're interested in and we'll find a job for you!
Interested? Take a moment to complete the volunteer survey to help us know where to direct you and which opportunities to send your way. Completing this survey should take 5 minutes or less of your time.
Wildlife and wilderness surveys, monitoring and community science projects
When it comes to volunteering and community science, participating in bumblebee and beaver research is a ton of fun. Bumblebees are easy to catch, identify, and release unharmed, you don't need to worry about being stung, and these pollinators are critical to our understanding of broader ecosystem health.
In addition to bumble bees and beavers, we plan a variety of volunteer survey events fun for people of all ages. We work closely with partner organizations on areas throughout Northeast Oregon. Please email nash@hellscanyon.org to get on our volunteer list, and join our monthly Hells Bells Newsletter for future updates and outings.

Trail maintenance
From hiking with a handsaw or lopers to clear brush, to learning the sawyer skills required to use crosscut saws and chainsaws for more heavy duty clearing, the opportunities to participate in trail maintenance and stewardship in the Greater Hells Canyon Region are widespread. And our trails need it.
We currently have opportunities to participate in trail maintenance on the Blue Mountains Trail, and we also work closely with partner trail stewardship organizations on areas throughout Northeast Oregon. Please email nash@hellscanyon.org to get signed up for stewardship opportunities, or join our Blue Mountains Trail newsletter for future updates.

Event and outings support
We host and participate in a variety of events, from our annual Fall Gala fundraiser to more informal presentations at pubs, businesses, homes and other venues. These events help broaden awareness of our work and deepen understanding of the issues impacting the Greater Hells Canyon Region.
We would love support at and during events, or helping behind the scenes with planning and logistics. Email nash@hellscanyon.org to get on our volunteer list, or complete the volunteer survey using the button at the top of this page.